Foundation Insight: Introducing Insight
By Barb Sivek, VP of Business Services, CHIME & Interim VP, CHIME FoundationDear Readers,
I am thrilled to send greetings through a new publication designed specifically for you. We created a monthly newsletter, Insight, to provide you with relevant and timely information. It will include feature stories, important dates to remember and links to valuable resources. We hope you will find it to be a convenient way to stay updated on Foundation activities.
The CHIME Foundation has undergone an exciting period of growth and change this year. We have grown to a near maximum capacity of 156 firms and welcomed 12 new members: Arcadia, Boston Scientific, Burwood Group, Culbert Healthcare Solutions, Evariant, FireEye, HCTec, Healthlink Advisors, Informatica, LumiraDX, Mimecast and Redox.
Additionally, the CHIME Foundation gained two new staff members, Rose Lucas and Arika Lycan, Foundation specialists who are on board to support you in realizing maximum value from your partnership with CHIME. Jessica Hadley remains on the team as the executive director of the Education Foundation at CHIME. She will work with you to develop and support sponsorship opportunities both in the U.S. and internationally and provide scholarships to our CHIME members.
During my transition to Foundation leadership over the past few months, I have been enormously impressed by the level of member engagement that I have observed through the work of the CHIME Partner Education Summit (CPES) 2017 and Fall Forum Planning Committees, the CHIME Foundation Certified Healthcare Executive (CFCHE) Development Team as well as the work of Foundation firm representatives on both the Education and CHIME Foundation boards. Through your collective efforts we are impacting scholarship programs, industry certification and planning two fabulous events in the fall.
You can read more about these programs in this and upcoming issues of Insight. There are many ways to get involved and we want you to know how much we appreciate your input, energy and volunteer spirit in helping us make the programs we deliver of value to you and our CHIME members.
Looking ahead, we are excited to help you fully leverage the benefits you receive as a CHIME Foundation member. As you make your plans for CPES 17, which will be Sept. 13-15 in Chicago and will include the inaugural CFCHE examination, and the CHIME 17 Fall Forum Oct. 31-Nov. 3 in San Antonio, we are here to help you plan your activities and achieve your goals for these banner industry events.
It is a privilege and honor to partner with you in these endeavors. I look forward to meeting many of you in the months ahead.
All the best,
Barb Sivek
Foundation Insight Volume 1, No. 1:
Posted 7.18.2017 -
Foundation Insight: CHIME’s International Expansion Creating Opportunities for Foundation Members
By Jessica Hadley, Executive Director, CHIME Education Foundation & FundraisingRecently, CHIME announced a new partnership with HIMSS that broadens the reach of our education and professional development programs internationally. The program is providing opportunities for our Foundation members to become involved, from thought leadership to sponsorship.
The partnership reflects a growing recognition that health IT leaders on a global level are seeking opportunities to grow their careers and are eager to share best practices as they strive to improve patient care. HIMSS/CHIME International Education offers a variety of leadership-focused, highly interactive education sessions. Each session is delivered by experienced healthcare CIOs who have been actively involved as faculty members in CHIME’s leadership education programs. Facilitators include HIMSS and CHIME CIOs, and other HIT senior leaders, who present the sessions from a real-world perspective.
The programs apply CHIME’s research-based CIO Success Factors that address the critical competencies for healthcare CIOs and HIT leaders. Several program formats are offered, including a day or day-and-a-half Leadership Academy, which includes training on each of the Success Factors, in addition to a small group case exercise. Facilitators guide participants to think about how to apply key concepts to their work environments while also working with them to forge a personal action plan for themselves when they return to work.
Some of the goals of CHIME international expansion include:
- To carry globally the CHIME vision of “Exceptional Leaders Transforming Healthcare”
- To support the development and enhancement of the CIO role around the world and;
- To provide leadership knowledge and experiences to CIOs
Sponsorship opportunities are available to Foundation members for the HIMSS/CHIME International programs. You may view sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming Leadership Academy, which focuses on cybersecurity, and is scheduled Sept. 11 in Singapore at the Marina Bay Sands here. Additionally, there are tremendous sponsorship opportunities available for the HIMSS Asia Pacific conference being held Sept. 11-14 in Singapore; you may view more about the program and those opportunities here.
Find out more about the program and sponsorship opportunities here.
More Foundation Insight Volume 1, No. 1:
Posted 7.18.2017 -
Foundation Insight: Hospital Executive Helps Shape CFCHE Certification with CIOs’ Needs in Mind
By Candace Stuart, Director of Communications & Public RelationsCFCHE program details at chimecentral.org/cfche
Pamela Banchy knows a thing or two about professional certifications. Banchy, CIO and vice president of clinical informatics at Western Reserve Hospital in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, holds three certifications, including the CHIME Certified Healthcare CIO (CHCIO) designation she earned about two years ago. Her experience made her an ideal contributor to the preparation of a similar exam for CHIME Foundation members.
“I know what goes into achieving CFCHE,” she said, referring to the newly launched CHIME Foundation Certified Healthcare Executive program. Attributes like a passion for the industry. Initiative. Leadership. Superb knowledge. Outstanding professional and organizational skills. “Certification tells me that you have gone above and beyond.”
CFCHE is modeled after CHIME’s CHCIO initiative but is specifically geared to assess the knowledge of an experienced healthcare IT industry employee. Banchy and four other CHIME CIO advisors, along with several CHIME Foundation member representatives, developed the exam to test for the kind of deep healthcare IT knowledge that CIOs want from industry partners. The exam uses the same standards, item writing protocols, validation and reviewing processes as the CHCIO exam. It consists of 100 multiple choice questions, including scenario-based and independent questions.
As a CIO who has gone through the CHCIO experience, Banchy said she will view industry representatives who earned a CFCHE in a different light compared with their peers. “In a way, (CFCHE) is complementary,” she said. Whether for CIOs or industry representatives, the CHIME certification process sets a high bar for exam takers and assesses not just knowledge but the ability to apply that knowledge in the context of healthcare. When faced with some of healthcare IT’s thorny problems, those who pass the exam will have a deep well from which to draw solutions.
“They will have something different to offer me as a consumer,” Banchy said of CFCHE-designated representatives. She expects certified representatives will be aware of the challenges a CIO faces and be a collaborator as they work through those challenges. “I would reach out to someone who had certification.”
The CHIME Foundation launched the CFCHE program June 23. The exam will be offered at CHIME in-person events, and will make its debut Sept. 15 at the second annual CHIME Partner Education Summit (CPES17) in Chicago. It also will be available at local Kryterion testing centers across the country, beginning in August.
More information on eligibility requirements is available here. To register, click here.
More Foundation Insight Volume 1, No. 1:
Posted 7.18.2017 -
Foundation Insight: Committee Packs CPES17 with Sessions Led by CIOs, Industry Luminaries
By Arika Lycan, Specialist, CHIME Foundation
Last year’s CHIME Partner Education Summit (CPES16) was the first of its kind for the CHIME Foundation in its nearly 25-year history, an event created to meet the specific education needs of our Foundation partners. CPES16 brought together some of our most dynamic CHIME CIOs as presenters and a strong group of engaged, enthusiastic learners – you and your CHIME Foundation peers.
Cyndi Cahill, a managing partner at Pursuit Healthcare Advisors in Philadelphia and an attendee at the inaugural CPES event in Chicago, attests to its success. “CPES16 was an invaluable experience for me and for my team members who attended,” she said. “It gave us the opportunity to get real-time info and opinions on the industry from CIOs in the trenches. The time spent in Chicago was well worth it.”
Cahill is one of 15 CHIME Foundation members to serve on the 2017 Planning Committee for CPES, which will take place Sept. 13-15 in Chicago. CPES17 offers an expanded schedule allowing more time for shared learning with your peers and CIO leaders. Committee members worked diligently to make CPES17 even more valuable with presentations that include:
- CIOs discussing how change in the healthcare industry is transforming their purchasing practices, supply chain needs and business relationships
- CIO and CISO insights on cybersecurity and risk management tactics
- Tips on what to do, and not do, to get in at the ground level with providers
- Purchasing patterns for value-based care
Besides the sessions listed above, CIO presenters will discuss interoperability, outsourcing and staffing, current public policy and more.
Other highlights include a keynote delivered by nationally renowned healthcare leadership consultant and author Thomas A. Atchison, Ed.D., in a talk titled “Transformational Change: Do’s and Taboo’s.” For over 20 years, Atchison has consulted with C-suite executives in the healthcare industry, including military and government agencies, on managed change programs, team building and leadership development. His insights will highlight the challenges facing your prospects and customers and will help you adapt to delivering solutions that meet their needs.
Also new will be an immersive interactive case study, designed by and for Foundation members. This will help set the stage and will remain relevant throughout the entire event, providing a realistic simulation of the everyday challenges of your intended customers.
Additionally CPES17 will provide an opportunity for attendees who enroll in the inauguaral exam to become the first class of CFCHE certified Foundation firm members on Friday, Sept. 15. For more information, click here.
The Planning Committee is excited to share the CPES17 experience with you from Sept. 13-15 at the Chicago O’Hare Loews. We appreciate all that the Planning Committee has done, and we look forward to seeing you there. Register here.
CPES Planning Committee Members:
Frank Nydam (Chair) – VMware
Kathy Ebbert – Clearwater Compliance
Jon Karl – CDW
Donna Roach – Ascension Information Services
Shawna Schuller – The Chartis Group
Charlie Anastos – Healthlink Advisors
David Finn – Symantec
Laurel Vine – Cerner CorporationBob Rossi – CDW
Phil Wasson – Kofax
Cyndi Cahill – Pursuit Healthcare Advisors
Jackie Gordee – Epic
Jennifer Ramstrom – Connection
Jen Ryan – Imprivata
John Bullitt – VMware
More Foundation Insight Volume 1, No. 1:
Posted 7.18.2017 -
New KLAS Results Rate S&P Consultants as a Select Firm in the Latest Implementation Services 2017 Report
BRAINTREE, MA – July 13, 2017 — The latest KLAS Report, Implementation Services 2017, has just been released, and as mentioned on the KLAS website, one provider stated that “S&P Consultants’ tools are actually a little more mature and seasoned… I think it is a very good model.”1 S&P Consultants deploys InTegritySM methodology—used in implementing Cerner HIS solutions. This marks the second time this year S&P has been rated in a KLAS report, having also been included in the prestigious “2017 Best in KLAS: Software & Services” report, in January.
For the report, KLAS spoke with more than 650 organizations for insight on their implementation experiences with a variety of vendors and how well they live up to expectations
“To be cited by the industry—and our peers—for exceeding client expectations is very gratifying, because it gets right to the heart of what we promise our clients. To be recognized by KLAS twice in a period of less than six months is pretty amazing. I think that it speaks to the quality of our consultants, of course, but also to our process and methodology,” said Andy Splitz, Cofounder and CEO of S&P Consultants. “This report, in particular, focuses on implementation services where our InTegrity offering is proving to be a game-changer.”
S&P was rated in the Support & Staffing category as a firm with 6-9 validated projects within the report. The findings for the category, which focuses on staffing support during implementation projects and staff augmentation for specific roles, noted S&P’s responsive and engaged executive team, along with “a depth of knowledge that allows them to adapt and change according to clients’ needs.”
As part of the report, candid and anonymized feedback from confirmed S&P clients was provided1 . Many of those comments spoke to how S&P’s expertise helped all parties in the implementation achieve their common goal:
“The experience of the team that S&P Consultants put together for us was impressive. The responsiveness has also been great. There have been a couple of times when we have had to adjust and ramp up unexpectedly in an area that we weren’t planning to. S&P Consultants has been able to fit those needs. They also supply resources that are savvy in terms of our vendor; those resources provide additional insight into things that help us work with our vendor as our partner.”
-Executive, Dec 2016, People and Knowledge“S&P Consultants… showed a depth of knowledge in the applications we needed help with and a due diligence to the work, and they were great people to work with. S&P Consultants provided a wealth of knowledge that helped to guide a lot of our leadership’s design decisions.”
– Manager/Analyst, Oct 2016, People and Knowledge“[S&P Consultants] went above and beyond. They even stayed engaged with us after the project timeline was done. If we had a question, we could reach out to any of the consultants, and they were happy to respond. They helped us reign-in our physician leadership and helped us bring up great points for quality documentation.”
– Manager/Analyst, Oct 2016, Project ResultsThis year, S&P Consultants formalized their implementation approach, launching the InTegrity offering during HIMSS in February. According to Zach Johnson, S&P’s VP of Business Development, “InTegrity is a unique approach to HIT implementations that helps clients ensure their team’s success, deliver the highest-quality result, and maximize their ROI. InTegrity seamlessly layers on top of the vendor’s framework—injecting intelligent “DNA” into critical moments of the process that helps client bind strategy to execution. Our approach adds a level of granularity and client-specificity to the vendor’s general framework, so that real-world conditions are taken into account. InTegrity accurately reflects the actual situation, resources, leadership, objectives and day-to-day reality in a way that greatly improves the chances for a smooth and successful implementation.”
About S&P Consultants
S&P Consultants enjoys a 20-year reputation for “doing the right thing” in healthcare IT, facilitating realistic interactions among all parties in HIS implementations. Their InTegritySM approach provides a solid “genetic roadmap” and adaptive framework to organizations looking to assure the success of complex projects.1 – The above commentary was collected about S&P HIT Implementation Support and Staffing by KLAS Oct-Dec 2016. Visit klasresearch.com for a complete view.
Posted 7.13.2017 -
Pursuit Healthcare Advisors Announces Inclusion in KLAS Report Implementation Services 2017
PHILADELPHIA, PA – July 13, 2017 — Pursuit Healthcare Advisors, LLC (Pursuit) is proud to be included and recognized in three segments of the KLAS report for Implementation Services 2017.
This report was produced to help providers identify not only the type of implementation work firms provide, but what experience they have and how well they live up to expectations. Pursuit had qualifying validations in the Support and Staffing segment, as well as validation in the Enterprise Implementation Leadership and Go-Live Support segments.
Overall, Pursuit was recognized for “high value driven by quality consultants” as well as “strong strategic expertise from consultants who proactively help to mentor provider teams.” (KLAS Specialty Report: Implementation Services 2017page 29 section 3).
“We are extremely honored to have this impressive distinction,” says Cyndi Vely Cahill, Managing Partner for Pursuit. “Rating with an above average score of 95.2 for support and staffing as a firm with 6-9 validated projects is a testament to our consultants and our management team whose primary focus is helping our customers meet their goals. Knowing that 100% of those customers who were interviewed ‘would buy again’ is the highest praise in my book.” (KLAS Specialty Report: Implementation Services p99)
To learn more about Pursuit Healthcare Advisors, click here.
About KLAS
KLAS is a research firm on a global mission to improve healthcare delivery by enabling providers to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare professionals and clinicians, KLAS gathers data on software, services and medical equipment to deliver timely reports, trends and statistical overviews. The research directly represents the provider voice and acts as a catalyst for improving vendor performance. To learn more about KLAS and our reports, visit KLASresearch.com.About Pursuit Healthcare Advisors, LLC
Pursuit Healthcare Advisors, LLC (Pursuit) is focused on fostering a supportive and educational environment as well as creating opportunities for our employees to make a difference where they work. We are pleased to work with some of the most forward-thinking organizations to help data become usable information – and have secure access to that information in a dynamic and mobile delivery. Together we help health enterprises, clinicians, and patients achieve success in this environment thereby improving care delivery, business performance, and health outcomes. It’s simple, at Pursuit, it’s all about Ü. For more information, visit pursuithealthcare.com.Contact: Gwendolyn Cantarera at [email protected].
Posted 7.13.2017 -
Vocera Earns Additional Security Credentials with Latest SOC 2 Type II Audit
Report validates system controls for Vocera secure texting app & patient experience solution
SAN JOSE, CA – July 12, 2017 — Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA), a recognized leader in clinical communication and workflow solutions, announced today the company’s secure texting application for smartphones and its patient engagement solutions have earned Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) Type II validation. This designation follows the successful completion of an extensive audit performed by one of the nation’s leading independent SOC 2 auditing firms.
Registered CPA firm SSAE 16 Professionals, LLC audited Vocera Secure Texting and Vocera Care Experience (software for managing pre-arrival patient communication, staff and patient rounds, hospital discharge instructions, and patient follow-up calls). The firm issued an audit report indicating these software products meet the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) criteria for a SOC 2 Type II report, which focuses on system controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. A SOC 2 audit is verification that appropriate controls are in place to protect data transmitted through the Vocera cloud infrastructure.
“Cybersecurity continues to be a top priority for hospitals and health systems in the United States and around the world,” said Arun Mirchandani, senior vice president of products at Vocera. “Healthcare providers want to feel confident their data is safe and secure. A SOC 2 audit has incredibly strict standards for technology providers to meet. Completing this additional audit reinforces our continued commitment to security, which is why a growing number of health systems turn to Vocera as their trusted communication partner.”
This latest audit report augments the growing list of security credentials Vocera has earned. Additionally, the Vocera Platform has received Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) certification, meeting stringent Information Assurance (IA) requirements of the Department of Defense (DoD). The platform also was awarded an Authority to Operate (ATO) from the DoD based on compliance with the security and risk management requirements specified by the Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP).
About Vocera
The mission of Vocera Communications, Inc. is to simplify and improve the lives of healthcare professionals and patients, while enabling hospitals to enhance quality of care and operational efficiency. In 2000, when the company was founded, we began to forever change the way care teams communicate. Today, Vocera continues to offer the leading platform for clinical communication and workflow. More than 1,400 hospitals and health systems around the world have selected our solutions for care teams to text securely using smartphones or make calls with our hands-free, wearable Vocera Badge. Interoperability between Vocera and more than 120 clinical systems helps reduce alarm fatigue, speed up staff response times, and improve patient care, safety and experience. In addition to healthcare, Vocera is at home in luxury hotels, nuclear facilities, libraries, retail stores and more. Vocera makes a difference in any industry where workers are on the move and need to connect instantly with team members and access resources or information quickly. Learn more at vocera.com, and follow @VoceraComm on Twitter.The Vocera logo is a trademark of Vocera Communications, Inc. Vocera® is a trademark of Vocera Communications, Inc. registered in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other trademarks appearing in this release are the property of their respective owners.
Tara Stultz
Amendola Communications
[email protected]Posted 7.12.2017 -
Clearwater Compliance Joins National Institute of Standards and Technology’s National Cybersecurity Excellence Partnership
Collaboration with Market Leaders Puts Clearwater in Major Role in Developing Best Practices for National Cybersecurity
“Joining NIST’s National Cybersecurity Excellence Partnership is a significant milestone for Clearwater,” said Bob Chaput, CEO of Clearwater Compliance. “Protecting critical information systems and assets from cybersecurity threats and criminals is a national priority. The velocity of change in the attack vectors is alarming and requires vigilance and innovation to protect these systems and data. It is no longer sufficient to sit behind a firewall and pretend you are safe. It takes a partnership of the best industry and federal resources to provide best practices, instruction, methodologies and tools to counteract and defend our national digital assets. We are honored to work side-by-side with our federal partners and industry experts in sharing insights and expertise to develop the solutions necessary to secure the U.S. economy against cybersecurity threats.”
Clearwater worked closely with NIST and the NCCoE on a newly published nccoe.nist.gov/projects/use-cases/medical-devices guide to help healthcare organizations better secure wireless infusion pumps. The new NCEP membership marks a significant step forward in Clearwater’s plans to share best practices with the varied critical infrastructure sectors.
“The challenge of cybersecurity cannot be solved by a single organization,” said Tim McBride, deputy director of NCCoE. “At the NCCoE, collaboration across government, industry, and academia helps accelerate the adoption of secure technologies and, ultimately, helps strengthen the cybersecurity posture of our nation. We’re excited to work with innovative, standards-based companies like Clearwater Compliance to meet the challenges of improving cybersecurity.”
About Clearwater Compliance
Clearwater Compliance, LLC is a leading provider of critical infrastructure regulatory compliance and cybersecurity management solutions. Its mission is to empower customers to successfully manage the evolving information security risk landscape. Clearwater solutions have been employed by hundreds of customers including the Fortune 100 and federal government. More information about Clearwater Compliance is at: Clearwatercompliance.com.About the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE)
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), a part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is a collaborative hub where industry organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions work together to address businesses’ most pressing cybersecurity challenges. This public-private partnership enables the creation of practical cybersecurity solutions for specific industries or broad, cross-sector technology challenges. Working with technology partners—from Fortune 500 market leaders to smaller companies specializing in IT security—the NCCoE develops modular, easily adaptable cybersecurity solution examples demonstrating how to apply standards and best practices using commercially available technology. The NCCoE documents these example solutions in the NIST Special Publication 1800 series, which maps capabilities to the NIST Cyber Security Framework and details the steps needed for another entity to recreate the example solution. The NCCoE was established in 2012 by NIST in partnership with the state of Maryland and Montgomery County, Md. Information is available at: nccoe.nist.gov.Contacts
Clearwater Compliance, LLC
Kelly Motley
[email protected]Posted 7.11.2017 -
PerfectServe’s July & August Webinars Highlight Proven Methods for Clinical Integration and Physician Network Management
KNOXVILLE, TN – July 11, 2017 —
WHAT: PerfectServe® hosts two complimentary webinars for hospital and health system IT, physician, nurse and clinical management leaders grappling with clinical integration and physician enterprise coordination.
WEBINAR: Clinical integration strategies: Considerations in a value-based care world
As healthcare moves from fee-for-service to fee-for-value, clinical integration is the most effective way to create incentives, management and infrastructure to improve quality and efficiency. Joshua Bennett, M.D., MBA, Independent Consultant, and Terry Hayes, R.N., MSN, CPNP, CNOR, Vice President, Professional Services, PerfectServe, provide clinical and technical direction on building a system of infrastructure and workflows that support clinical integration aligned with value-based care. Topics covered are:
- The culture and foundation needed to initiate a clinical integration strategy
- Infrastructure and other means of tracking performance improvement initiatives
- Operational tactics that providers can implement to allow physicians to re-focus on delivering care
- Legal considerations for developing the formal entity of a clinically integrated network
Tuesday, July 18, 2017; 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Click here to registerWEBINAR: The high-performance medical group: Building a coordinated physician enterprise
As health system employment of physicians grows, the pressure to maximize the financial and strategic returns intensifies. Providers who have focused traditionally on strengthening the individual practice bottom line have often missed opportunities to build a coordinated physician enterprise. Matt Stevens, M.D., JD, Senior Director, The Advisory Board Company, offers approaches proven to reap value. Learning objectives are:
- Review why efforts to employ physicians have yet to generate desired financial and clinical outcomes
- Compare characteristics of high-performing practices with those of median-performing groups
- Assess the performance of current employed physicians against best-in-class benchmarks
- Prioritize opportunities for performance improvement to develop an appropriate institution-specific strategy
Thursday, August 10, 2017; 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Click here to register.PerfectServe is healthcare’s most comprehensive and secure care team collaboration platform. More than 100,000 clinicians in forward-looking organizations across the U.S. rely on PerfectServe to help them speed time to treatment, expedite care transitions, enhance the patient experience and reduce HIPAA compliance risk. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN, with offices in Alpharetta, GA, and Chicago, IL, PerfectServe has helped clinicians provide better care since 2000. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and subscribe to our blog.
Posted 7.11.2017 -
The Nebraska Health Information Initiative Selects DrFirst to Aggregate Statewide Prescription Records
DrFirst to deliver prescription details from all pharmacies state-wide to Nebraska’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
ROCKVILLE, MD – July 11, 2017 — DrFirst, the market leader in ePrescribing and medication management solutions, announced that it was selected by the Nebraska Health Information Initiative (NeHII) and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to capture state prescription information and deliver it to Nebraska’s enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) which began January 1, 2017. Unlike some state PDMPs, the focus in Nebraska is primarily around patient safety and outcomes. The inclusion of complete prescription data in the PDMP database enhances patient safety and helps combat the abuse of opioids by giving providers and pharmacists a more complete picture of a patient’s medication history, allowing opioid use to be addressed in the overall context of the patient’s care plan while also highlighting diversion or other patterns of abuse.
Ninety-one Americans die each day from opioid misuse, according to the Centers for Disease Control. To address this crisis, nearly every state electronically tracks the prescribing and dispensing of controlled drugs. By delivering prescription history, PDMPs give prescribers and pharmacists critical information regarding patients’ prescription fill histories and help them identify patients who may be misusing prescription opioids, leaving them at risk for overdose. These patients may benefit from early interventions, including dosage tapering, alternate therapies and/or treatment for opioid abuse.
“Having lost my sister as a result of a prescription drug overdose, it’s heart-warming to consider the tremendous impact the state’s PDMP will have on the lives of hundreds and thousands of Nebraska families,” said Senator Sara Howard of Omaha who introduced the legislation creating the state’s mandatory drug monitoring database. “By making narcotic prescription details available to every doctor and pharmacist, providers can identify patients who are potentially at risk of abuse or doctor shopping for medication. This program provides hope to any family who has ever been devastated by the loss of a loved one due to prescription drug abuse.”
Starting this year, dispensed prescriptions for controlled substances are now tracked through the PDMP. As of January 1, 2018, Nebraska will be the first state to require the tracking of all dispensed prescriptions. DrFirst’s functionality will facilitate a more complete medication record to help pharmacists and prescribers look for adverse drug-drug combinations and duplicate therapies. Functionality will alert providers of patients receiving several dispensed opioid prescriptions and identify overlapping dispensed prescriptions of opioids and benzodiazepines. The tracking of several dispensed opioid prescription medications and overlapping prescriptions identifies patients who may benefit from closer monitoring, the reduction or tapering of opioids, the prescribing of naloxone, or other measures that reduce the risk of overdose.
“NeHII is focused on sharing timely and accurate patient health information in a secure environment to improve patient care,” said Deb Bass, CEO at NeHII. “DrFirst is working closely with us to deliver the functionality we need to further enhance our PDMP, provide a complete view of a patient’s prescription history and the ability to catch potential red flags, including adverse reactions and opioid abuse.”
DrFirst collects dispensed prescription details and makes them available through NeHII to all of Nebraska’s prescribers and dispensers, including each of the state’s 552 pharmacies and approximately 400 mail-order companies. Physicians and pharmacists will have access to these records at the point-of-care, allowing them to make more informed decisions for enhanced patient safety. This includes the ability to identify patients that may need opioid abuse intervention.
“Nebraska has taken a positive leap in becoming the first state to require information on all prescriptions as part of its PDMP and not solely controlled substances,” said G. Cameron Deemer, president of DrFirst. “NeHII and DrFirst hold a shared commitment to technology innovation that improves medication reconciliation and enables care givers to make more informed decisions, which help save lives. We look forward to working with NeHII to ensure all prescription information is available state-wide with the analytics to make it actionable for all physicians and pharmacists.
About NeHII
NeHII, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a public/private governance model that includes health care providers, payers, and the State of Nebraska. NeHII is a statewide Health Information Exchange designed to share clinical and administrative data among providers in Nebraska and neighboring states. NeHII’s purpose is to achieve health care transformation through community betterment collaboration while protecting the security and privacy of medical information. The Nebraska PDMP is housed on the Health Information Exchange platform and managed in collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. For more information, please visit nehii.org.About DrFirst
DrFirst, the nation’s leading provider of ePrescribing and medication management solutions, enables stakeholders across the healthcare industry to intelligently utilize comprehensive real-time data and connectivity to increase their patient safety ratings, efficiency and profitability. Today, over 170,000 healthcare professionals and over 60% of Electronic Health Record vendors, depend on DrFirst’s innovative software solutions to improve clinical workflows, expedite secure collaboration across a patient’s care team and drive better health outcomes. The company’s integrated technologies include its award-winning electronic prescribing platform, the most comprehensive medication history available, clinically specialized secure messaging, as well as patient medication adherence monitoring and benefits checking. In addition, DrFirst was the first to offer e-prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS), and is considered the industry standard for providers nationwide. For more information, please visit drfirst.com or connect with us @DrFirst.DrFirst Media Contact:
Jenna Warner
Amendola Communications
480.664.8412 x 19
[email protected]Posted 7.11.2017 -
Opportunities Abound for Vital Customers through Vitrea® Intelligence
MINNETONKA, MN – July 10, 2017 — When it comes to managing a medical imaging practice – either as a business, or as an integral part of a busy hospital – leaders want insight into how their operation functions.
Vital Images, Inc., through its newly branded solution – Vitrea Intelligence – is providing a cutting edge analytics tool designed to automatically identify and quantify opportunities for cost removal, cost avoidance, and revenue generation.
Vitrea Intelligence now features a module called ‘Opportunity Navigator’ that will be available for demonstration at the upcoming annual meeting of the Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA), July 9-12, in Anaheim, California. Vital is hosting a booth (#105) at the event, and staff are on hand to explain Opportunity Navigator.
This tool allows imaging leaders to uncover hidden opportunities for business and clinical practice improvements with:
- predictive financial analysis of revenue and cost saving opportunities;
- cost modeling to assess capital and operational expenses;
- prescriptive algorithms that present the most relevant and actionable information.
“Vitrea Intelligence unlocks the incredible value of our customer’s data and transforms it into tangible economic opportunities spanning all imaging operations,” says Geoff Clemmons, Product Marketing Manager, Analytics. “It shows the user answers to questions they have, but sometimes more importantly, it shows them answers to the questions they didn’t know to ask.”
About Vital Images
Vital Images, Inc., a Toshiba Medical company, is a leading provider of diagnostic imaging and enterprise informatics solutions to help healthcare organizations deliver exceptional care while optimizing resources across multi-facility organizations. The company’s solutions are scalable to meet the unique needs of hospitals and imaging centers and are accessible throughout the enterprise anytime, anywhere. For more information, visit vitalimages.com or join the conversation on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.Contact
Ric Ament
Manager, Marketing Communications
Vital Images
1.519.594.0940, ext. 241
[email protected]Posted 7.10.2017 -
Merrie Wallace Joins PerfectServe as Chief Revenue Officer
Accomplished healthcare executive brings strategic leadership overseeing national sales team
KNOXVILLE, TN – July 10, 2017 — In this newly created position, Wallace will lead PerfectServe’s national sales team, supporting unprecedented expansion of the company’s secure healthcare communication solutions at physician practices, hospitals and health systems. Her responsibilities include spearheading strategic regional sales planning, market and competitive analysis and innovative sales strategy implementation.
“Merrie brings an outstanding record of building high performance teams who have driven and sustained significant bookings and revenue growth, margin improvement, and employee and client satisfaction across multiple organizations,” said Terry Edwards, CEO and President of PerfectServe. “Her passion for technology innovation and her leadership history will contribute to our organization’s performance. We’re excited to have her on board to support growth expansion across inpatient, ambulatory, post-care and home care settings.”
“PerfectServe is an industry powerhouse revered by the clinical community at large for its distinct capabilities in efficient care team communication and collaboration,” said Wallace. “Equally exceptional is that PerfectServe is part of many providers’ long-term enterprise communication strategies. As a former nursing professional myself, I am deeply inspired to contribute to the company’s stellar legacy breaking down silos and improving care.”
Wallace earned a bachelor of a master of nursing administration degree from Emory University in Atlanta and a bachelor of science in nursing degree from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.
Journalists: Click here to download Merrie Wallace’s photo.
About PerfectServe
PerfectServe is healthcare’s most comprehensive and secure care team collaboration platform. The platform is unique in its ability to improve communication process accuracy and reliability via its proprietary Dynamic Intelligent Routing™ capability, which automatically identifies and provides immediate connection to the right care team member for any given clinical situation at every moment in time. More than 100,000 clinicians in forward-looking organizations across the U.S. rely on PerfectServe to help them speed time to treatment, expedite care transitions, enhance the patient experience and reduce HIPAA compliance risk. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN, with offices in Alpharetta, GA and Chicago, IL, PerfectServe has helped clinicians provide better care since 2000. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and subscribe to our blog.Media Contact
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Posted 7.10.2017