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CHIME Statement on Meaningful Use Stage 3 NPRM

Released March 20, 2015

CHIME is closely evaluating both the CMS Meaningful Use rule and the ONC certification rule. Based on our initial review, we are pleased to see flexibility built into the Stage 3 proposed objectives.

Healthcare CIOs Praise ONC for Standards ‘Playbook’

Released January 30, 2015

Building on the announcement from HHS yesterday, pledging much-needed changes to the Meaningful Use program, healthcare IT leaders praised the release of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) “2015 Interoperability Standards Advisory,” calling it an essential component of the newly released Interoperability Roadmap. The nation’s chief information officers (CIOs) say the new document will enable broad discussion over the use of specific standards – both current and future – in health IT.