Bundled Pricing Lets Members Save 50% on CHIME Advocacy Summit
Tim Stettheimer – Vice President, Education
The CHIME family is growing and so is the quality and number of events we can offer our members. What is not growing for many of you is your budget, which puts a crimp on your ability to invest in your professional and personal development. We now have a solution.
Members of CHIME can attend our newest educational and networking event, the CHIME Advocacy Summit, at half the cost by registering for the CHIME Fall CIO Forum. CHIME18, which will be Oct. 30-Nov. 2 in San Diego, is a chance for members to recharge their batteries, hear world-class keynote speakers, listen to peers as they share best practices and network. The CHIME Advocacy Summit, which is Oct. 3-5 in Washington, D.C., will offer a deep dive into new and proposed federal policies that address healthcare IT and will drastically affect the delivery of care. It will also include networking events and the chance to meet leaders from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, the Food and Drug Administration and legislative representatives.
Given the complexity of the CIO’s role today, we realized members need more opportunities to gain the knowledge, skills and professional connections to excel. With our bundled program, members can experience both events at a savings of nearly $450.
This opportunity is also available to members of CHIME’s three affiliated associations – the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Applications (AEHIA), the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Security (AEHIS) and the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Technology (AEHIT). They will be offered the same special pricing of 50 percent off the CHIME Advocacy Summit if they register for their Fall Summit, which is Oct. 31-Nov. 2 in San Diego.
As an added bonus, attendees at the AEHIA/AEHIS/AEHIT Fall Summit can attend CHIME’s closing keynote address by CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta and CHIME’s Healthcare’s Most Wired awards ceremony.
Register here and see more options for bundled savings. Learn more about the CHIME Advocacy Summit here and the 2018 CHIME Fall CIO Forum here. If you have any questions, call us at 734-665-0000 or email us at [email protected].
More Inside CHIME
- Keynote from Sanjay Gupta, Most Wired Awards to Close Out CHIME18 – By Summer O’Neill
- News of Note – By Candace Stuart