CHIME19: Launching into the Future with New Programs, Partners and More
Shafiq Rab, Chair, CHIME Board; SVP & CIO, Rush University Medical Center
The 2019 CHIME Fall CIO Forum was a resounding success, with members engaged in three days of learning, sharing, networking and being rejuvenated. The theme this year was “Into the Future,” which provided an opportunity to look ahead while celebrating the gains made in 2019.
For those who missed the live streaming or otherwise couldn’t join us, here are some highlights.
Forging New Ground
CHIME achieved several noteworthy “firsts” in 2019 that were called out during CHIME19. They include:
- Launching CHIME Innovation, a new educational program that helps us think strategically about what we can do now to transform care. Only 11 months old, CHIME Innovation has hosted several workshops, the CI2O Innovation Summit and is bringing thought leaders together to address 5G, advanced technologies, innovation leadership and other key topics.
- Holding our first Diversity and Inclusion Forum on Sunday (Nov. 3), which allowed members and Foundation partners to participate in roundtable discussions on Breaking Down Barriers, Building and Leading the Next Generation, Patient Diversity and Inclusion Programs, Women of CHIME and more.
- Offering CHIME’s CIO certification exam in German. We now have 15 German-speaking members who are certified.
- Designing and launching a credentialing program for CISOs called the Certified Healthcare Information Security Leader, or CHISL.
- Creating and holding the first-ever CHIME AEHIS Healthcare CISO Boot Camp, which took place immediately following CHIME19.
Growing in the U.S. and Internationally
CHIME has more than 3,200 members in 56 countries. During the forum, CHIME announced the addition of a 10th international chapter through a partnership with Digital Health Canada. CHIME now has chapters in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the UK.
Fellow and Lifetime Memberships
Seven CHIME members were named fellows during the forum in recognition of their service, along with one new lifetime award. Our new fellows are Pam Banchy, Theresa Meadows, George Reynolds, Kathy Ross, Tressa Springmann, Corey Zeigler and Mark Zirkelbach. Marc Probst was given a lifetime membership.
Charitable Contributions
Golfers who played in Sunday’s competition contributed over $1,400 to be split between the Opioid Task Force and the Education Foundation’s Pay It Forward campaign. The Fun Run raised $ 1,320 for the Phoenix Children’s Hospital, whose NICU and the local charity and shelter Andre House were the beneficiaries of the Giving Back program. CHIME members and CHIME Foundation members packed six gift boxes for the NICU and 100 kits for Andre House to distribute to people struggling with substance use disorder.
Partnering with Baldrige
CHIME and the Malcolm Baldrige Foundation announced several joint initiatives during the Most Wired portion of Wednesday’s programming. Speaking in a video that aired during the event, Baldrige Foundation President and CEO Al Faber said the Baldrige Foundation has endorsed the Most Wired survey as the top IT performance excellence and benchmark recognition program. CHIME and the Baldrige Foundation will collaborate on a cybersecurity survey that will serve as the benchmark and quality award for cybersecurity and jointly recognize the highest achieving organizations at Baldrige’s annual Quest for Excellence Conference and the CHIME Fall CIO Forum.
Final Words
As always with the fall forum, we recognized winners of CHIME and CHIME Foundation awards, listened to dynamic keynote speakers, participated in focus groups, learned from peers at track sessions and Leadership from the Edge, and enjoyed each other’s company during breaks and networking dinners. Look for more detailed coverage of those events in additional articles and visit http://fallcioforum.org to view the photo gallery, slides and more.
Registration is now open for the 2020 spring forum, too, which will be March 8-9 in Orlando. Members who register now will receive early bird pricing and have access to CHIME’s room block, while availability lasts. CHIME will announce keynote speakers and provide other updates in the coming months.