CHIME’s Salary Survey to Highlight CIO Pay Trends
By Leighann Hibbard – Specialist, Membership
Six years ago, the majority of CHIME members who participated in the CHIME CIO Compensation Survey reported receiving minimal pay increases that year. Has the trend continued? CHIME is conducting a survey this year to find out.
Last week CHIME opened the 2018 Salary Survey to members to assess compensation for senior healthcare IT executives in the U.S. The survey consists of 23 multiple choice questions that include demographics, job structure, organization type, base salary and benefits, job satisfaction and more. It should take only about 15 minutes to complete.
All responses are anonymous. The results will allow members to compare their salary to their peers and identify trends in the industry that will help inform career decisions.
The survey will remain open through Oct. 14. We expect to announce high-level results in October and make a detailed report based on the data available at the 2018 CHIME Fall CIO Forum, which will be Oct. 30-Nov. 2 in San Diego.
To complete the survey, go here. For more information about the forum, go here. Hotel and registration information are available here.
If you have any questions about the survey, contact me at [email protected].
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