Deadline Nears to Submit Proposals to Present at CHIME19
Candace Stuart – Director, Communications & Public Relations
CHIME members and CHIME Foundation partners have until 5 p.m. ET March 22 to submit proposals for 2019 CHIME Fall CIO Forum track sessions and Leadership from the Edge presentations. Sixteen track session proposals and three Leadership from the Edge talks will be selected for presentations that will be scheduled on either Nov. 4 or 5.
CHIME members who are full members, corporate senior IT or IS members or CMIO or CNIO members can submit up to four proposals for track sessions but only one per track. CHIME Foundation partners at the premier, standard or associate level can submit up to four proposals for track sessions and only one per track as well. Up to four speakers are allowed; a panel moderator is considered a speaker.
Preference is given to proposals that include one or more CHIME provider health IT executives. Foundation partners should include a CHIME provider member as a primary speaker on each proposal. Foundation members can get tips here from industry representatives who presented last year.
This year’s four track session topics are:
- Strategy and leadership
- Business and care transformation
- Emerging technologies
- Clinical informatics
More information about track session submission requirements, topics, the selection process and important dates is available here. Submissions can be made here.
Leadership from the Edge proposals should be forward-looking, innovative and compelling. Launched at CHIME17, Leadership from the Edge features three 20-minute presentations in a format similar to TED talks. Speakers are expected to tackle big questions and offer provocative ideas that may include novel, disruptive, game-changing technologies and leadership strategies.
There is a limit of two speakers on each proposal. Any proposal listing a Foundation partner must include a CHIME member CIO, CMIO or CNIO as the primary speaker and a senior-level executive from the Foundation firm.
There is no limit to the number of Leadership from the Edge proposals that can be submitted. More information about Leadership from the Edge submission process and requirements is available here. Submissions can be made here.
Please contact Christy Kenyon at [email protected] for any questions related to the proposal submission process for either track sessions or Leadership from the Edge.
CHIME19 will be Nov. 3-6 at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort and Spa in Phoenix. More details about the forum will be available later this year.