TransformIT: Data Driven Strategy
Spenser Staebler – Specialist, Membership & Professional Development
Earlier this year, CHIME launched our TransformIT tool supported by HIMSS Analytics. TransformIT allows you to benchmark your facility’s technology strategy and financials across the industry, including colleague contact information to collaborate. Check your email as invites to TransformIT have been sent out, and over 450 CHIME members are already participating. The TransformIT portal gives you the ability to control your organization’s data so you know it is accurate and up-to-date. Once you’re registered with the tool you can update your organization’s information, including your Contact information, organization EMR, Hospital Financial metrics and now your EMRAM score.
HIMSS Analytics has developed a strategic roadmap, Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM), for EMR implementations that is available for members to benchmark and update as part of CHIME’s TransformIT tool. For over a decade HIMSS Analytics has guided healthcare organizations around the globe in EMR adoption and implementation. With updated criteria for 2018, move your organization closer to achieving a near-paperless environment that harnesses technology to support optimized patient care by completing each stage. Expert advisers are available with helpful tools to move your organization along its journey. Receive and update your EMRAM score here.