Inside CHIME: Looking to Get Engaged in Advocacy? Check Out CHIME’s Policy Playbook
Your voices matter in Washington, D.C. Lawmakers and policymakers want to know how their decisions impact people on the frontline. CHIME Policy Playbook offers a 101 on how you can get engaged.
Although efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act have stalled, there’s no shortage of attention to critical healthcare issues in Washington, D.C. From interoperability and standards to cybersecurity to implementation of MACRA and the 21st Century Cures Act, policy- and lawmakers have their hands full. Importantly, President Trump recently assembled his health IT policy team. Donald Rucker, M.D., has reportedly been tapped to head the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC). Meanwhile, John Fleming, M.D, a former U.S. representative, will serve as deputy assistant secretary for health technology. Fleming purportedly will report to Rucker.
As action on health IT picks up in Washington, it’s important that CHIME members get engaged. Members of Congress and regulators want – and need to – hear from people on the frontline. Given the immense challenges facing the industry, CHIME’s public policy team developed the CHIME Policy Playbook. This document not only outlines CHIME’s policy priorities, but, importantly details how members can engage with Congress and key federal agencies. CHIME’s D.C. team – Leslie Krigstein and Mari Savickis – are ready to assist if you want to become more active in public policy and advocacy.