Inside CHIME: Mentoring – Success Through Collaboration
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5.11.17 by Spenser Staebler Specialist, Membership & Professional Development, CHIME |
Healthcare IT has changed dramatically over the last 10 years, leaving CIOs and other executive leaders challenged in new ways. EHR systems are expensive, creating a need for teams to squeeze more form and function out of a smaller budget. Implementations have created as many opportunities as obstacles, requiring additional staff. Information security in healthcare IT was a hurdle that became a mountain. With this fast-paced change in technology, collaboration is more important than ever before. With the playbook of effectively leading change in healthcare IT consistently being written and re-written, executives need the resources and ability to learn from each other. Every individual’s unique experiences hold valuable learning opportunities for seasoned veterans and newcomers, alike.
CHIME is built by “Exceptional Leaders Transforming Healthcare.” With this mission, and these challenges in mind, we have developed our new mentor program. This program is designed to harness those unique experiences, and use collaboration among members to engage in the sharing of information to tackle these challenges that are unique to you. A mentor-mentee relationship is one of the most important relationships a CIO can have. Being a part of CHIME’s Mentor Program facilitates these relationships, to the benefit of every member involved. We connect individuals strategically, using key qualifying questions as a guide. Once the connection is made, the opportunity for collaboration is limitless. Speaking highly of the program, “[My mentor] has provided some excellent insight (and common sense) that has improved my performance already,” said Mike Canfield, MS, CHCIO, CIO.
On a similar note, Gene Shaw, LCHIME, FCHIME, stated:
The three goals that have been established have been addressed simultaneously with exceptional progress. This is an exceptional program in which I enjoy participating. There is great value for me as a mentor. Thanks for the opportunity!
With this special opportunity, you can begin your journey of success through collaboration. Apply today, and join the Mentor Program.
More Inside CHIME Volume 2, No. 10:
- Calling All CHIME Members – Do You Have a Passion for a Specific Policy Issue? – Leslie Krigstein &
Mari Savickis - Finally! Progress on Patient Identification in Washington, DC – Leslie Krigstein
- This Week’s Washington Debrief (5.8.17)